Premier Academy
Top-tier tutoring for grades K-12
At RSG Premier Academy, students in K-12 work closely with our best tutors and have direct access to our program director for academic planning and support.
In our Elementary Classes, students work with elementary specialists who support students with homework in small groups or private tutoring in math, reading, and writing.
In our Middle & High Classes, our secondary ed specialists support students in homework groups, private tutoring to support advancement or support with challenging classes, and college prep options like the Socratic Honors Academy and College Counseling.
Our secondary programs are tailored specifically to the needs of middle & high school students. We provide options for students who are aiming for top universities as well as those who need remedial support to catch-up and get back on-track.
RSG Premier Academy
18325 Horst Ave, Artesia, CA 90701
(academy location provided in partnership with The Well, families may park on the street or in either connected parking lot)

Premier Benefits
Top-tier tutors with years of teaching experience
Individual & Small Group Programs for the most individualized support we offer
Open until 7p to give parents scheduling options
Advancement & Honors classes prep students to get into and succeed at top universities
Remedial programs focus on supporting students to pass classes and prep for college/career paths
Premier Programs
Our premier academy is open to all students in grades K-12. We offer the following programs:
Homework Assistance
Overall academic support provided in small groups.
The Student Success Program add-on is available for students in grades 7-12 who are failing classes or missing a substantial amount of work
Focus on Foundations (K-6)
Students work in small, leveld classes on math, reading or writing. Classes are leveled based on ability level rather than grade allowing students to quickly catch-up or get ahead as they progress through the levels.
Subject Tutoring (K-6)
Students enroll to work with a premier tutor on math, reading or writing. Students take an intake assessment to determine their unique strengths and areas of need and work off a strategic learning plan that maps out their pathway to success.
Subject Tutoring (7-12)
Students enroll to work with a premier tutor on a specific class or for specialized remedial support
Socratic Honors Academy
Literature-based honors classes that train students to be life-long scholars and learners. High school program preps for APs and is a competitive program for college prep.
Enrollment is limited, admittance by recommendation or placement interview only.
Premier College Counseling
Work directly with RSG Director Karyn Keene to ensure your student is competitive for college admittance. Academic & extracurricular planning for grades 7-11, application support for grades 11-12.

Meet our Premier Directors

Karyn Keene
Director of High School & Elementary Programming
Having taught everything from Honors English to Calculus, Karyn Keene is an educational innovator and expert in crafting individualized education plans for her students. She has over a decade of experience as a middle & high school educator in all subjects and specializes in math and science tutoring. She has been the director of RSG since 2019, spearheading the creation of many of our programs including Socratic Honors Academy, Focus on Foundations (intervention program), and our Summer Math Prep program Foundations of Algebra & Geometry.
As an educational strategist, Karyn works closely with families in RSG to craft the ideal plan to help students reach their full potential. Whether they are aiming for the Ivies or struggling to get through high school – Karyn dedicates herself to creating plans that are perfectly tailored to her students needs and goals.
Karyn also oversees RSGs College Counseling program and has successfully helped many high schoolers get into the schools of their dreams – from UCLA to USC to Standford and more!
What is your favorite AP to tutor?
“I love tutoring AP Stats because of the way it blends mathematics and critical thinking. Suddenly math becomes very contextual and applicable to real-life and this is often the class where students finally connect with mathematics and see the way it shapes and influences their day to day lives. Teaching students the high-level problem solving required along with the concepts and formulas is one of my favorite teaching experiences.”
Programs Taught:
Premier College Counseling
Homework Assistance (7-12)
Subject Tutoring
Math, Science, Spanish

Allison Oh
Director of Middle School Programming
Allison is a classically trained artist and educator with a passion for teaching RSG’s middle school students. Allison graduated magna cum laude with her degree in Studio Arts and completion of a rigorous Classical Education program from Biola University. Since then she’s taught as an adjunct professor and had her writings and interviews published in a number of literary magazines.
Since she joined RSG in 2019, Allison has dedicated her teaching skills to the students here and excels in helping students connect their passions to their learning to develop internal motivation and drive. While she has experience teaching all grades, she is deeply passionate about supporting our middle school students and seeing them thrive in those pivotal transition years approaching high school.
In addition to our middle school programs, Allison also tutors English, Studio Arts, and Art History for middle & high school students through our Subject Tutoring Program.
What drives your passion to teach middle schoolers?
“I enjoy working with middle school students because it’s the age where they can begin to truly grasp the idea that learning is more than just grades or assignments–it’s about developing a set of skills to teach yourself so that you can continue to grow intellectually long after school stops being a framework in your life. As students begin to form their young adult identities, I want them to also discover how good it is to love learning for its own sake, so that they can develop into adults who will be curious, flexible, critical thinkers that never stop wanting to grow and learn more about the world.”
Programs Taught:
Homework Assistance (6-8)
Subject Tutoring
English, Art & all middle school subjects

Kyle Keene
Director of Honors Programming
With degrees in History, Classics, and Psychology, Kyle brings years of study and teaching experience to bear as a Humanities Expert at RSG. After completing his Master’s in Psychology, he has presented and had his academic work accepted at conferences and conventions both nationally and internationally.
Kyle started RSG’s Socratic Honors Academy based on the teaching methodologies he learned through his studies in Classics programs at Cambridge and Biola University. His goal is to bring the Classics to middle & high school students in a way that pushes our top students to truly distinguish themselves as scholars and life-long learners. He works to make Classics education applicable to a diverse student body by incorporating great works of literature from the world over and is spearheading a more inclusive approach to teaching great books.
In addition to his work with our Socratic Honors students, Kyle also tutors students in English and History through our Subject Tutoring program.
What is your favorite part of teaching the classics?
I love teaching Plato and Shakespeare. Many people have wrongly been taught that these authors are beyond them simply because they are difficult. I love watching students wrestle with challenging concepts and, with some support and guidance, reach a point of breakthrough and understanding. I am always encouraged when they learn how these ideas apply to their everyday lives.
Programs Taught:
Socratic Honors Academy
Subject Tutoring
English, History
Premier Academy Schedule
Premier Schedule
Our program is split into 4 tutoring sessions on Mon-Thu.
Friday sessions are available for specialty classes & subject tutoring.
M-Th Schedule:
Session 1: Subject Tutoring only
Session 2: Subject Tutoring, Homework Assistance only
3:30p – 4:30p
Session 3: All Programs
4:30 – 5:30
Session 4: All Programs
5:30 – 6:30
Friday Schedule:
programs available: Speciality Classes, Subject Tutoring
Session 1: Socratic Jr & STEM Club
3:30p – 5:30p
Session 2: Subject Tutoring
5:30 – 6:30
Socratic Honors Academy
Class Description & Schedule
Class Description:
The Socratic Honors Academy prepares students to be lifelong scholars through an integrated approach to English, History and the other Humanities. Students tackle challenging literature, write academically, research historical context, and learn to present and argue thoughtfully through dialectic-style discussion groups.
Socratic Honors JR (4-6)
F – 3:30-5:30
Middle School Academy
T/Th 4:00-5:30
High School Academy
Upperclassmen (11th/12th)
Wed 4:30 – 6:30
Lowerclassmen (9th/10th)
Mon 4:00 – 5:30
Pricing Options
Month-to-Month Contracts
Month-to-month payments offer the most flexibility for families. Whether you have a shifting schedule or just want to try programs out before committing, this is the option for you.
Trimester & Semester Contracts (10% off)
Trimester payments offer a discount for committing to a trimester! Get the benefit of the discount while still keeping some flexibility.
Academic Year Contracts (15% off)
Many of our families know what works best for their kids, and signing up for annual payments lets you save the most every month.
Program Pricing
Below are the starting prices for our programs, prices listed are monthly.
Full pricing sheets are linked below.
Homework Assistance: starts at $300/month
Subject Tutoring: starts at $165/month
Socratic Honors Academy: starts at $275/month
Specialty Classes: start at $175/month
Let’s Start Learning!
We’re ready to help with homework, support students to catch up, and guide them as they advance. As you prepare to embark on another year of learning, let Ready Study Go be in your corner.

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