Summer 2023
Keep Learning & Growing All Summer Long
Check out our private tutoring & summer classes for elementary, middle & high schoolers to set them up for success in their next year of school.
Summer Session Dates: June 19 – August 11

Summer Programs
Options for Every Subject
This summer our students are diving deep into learning – visiting art museums with Socratic Honors, uncovering the mysteries of trig in Foundations of Algebra & Geometry, and journeying along a customized learning plan with private tutoring!
Socratic Honors Academy
Foundations of Algebra & Geometry
Subject Tutoring (all subjects)
Summer School Support

Socratic Honors Academy
Entering Grades 6 – 12
Hybrid: Class online, trips in-person
This course equips students to be lifelong learners and scholars, by integrating English, History and the other Humanities. Students journey thematically through enjoyable literature, write analytical papers, research historical context and learn to present their ideas and argue thoughtfully through dialectic-style discussion groups.
As part of the class, students will go on excursions all around LA exploring art museums, watching Shakespeare in the Park, and gazing at the stars at the Griffith Observatory.
As this program is through our honors academy, to enroll students must be invited to join or pass an intake interview. Upon enrollment, our Honors Director, Kyle Keene, will reach out to schedule an interview with your child.

Foundations of Algebra & Geometry
Entering Grades 7 – 11
Online only
Get ready to level-up in math! These targeted intensives cover the key concepts of algebra and geometry students entering 7th – 11th grade need to succeed. RSG owner and director Karyn Keene, brings a decade of experience as a math teacher and tutor to these classes. This class is an intensive course, students are expected to be focused and ready to learn.
Level A: prepares students to begin middle school by covering fraction/decimal operations, ratios & proportions, negative integers, simple linear equations and volume/surface area of prisms.
Level B: prepares students for advancing math classes in middle and early high school by covering integers & equations, linear equations and systems, functions, sequences, advanced volume/surface area, and geometric proofs.
Level C: prepares students for sophomore and junior level math classes by covering the major function families (linear, exponential, quadratic, and polynomial), mastering geometric proofs, and introducing trigonometry.
Level D: prepares students for pre-calc classes by reviewing advanced topics such as polynomial functions and operations, trigonometry/sinusoidal functions, and an intro to calculus.

Private Tutoring
Online or in-person (Cerritos Library)
Through our private tutoring program, students get the individualized support they need to grow and thrive during the summer months. This year, we are offering private tutoring in two different settings.
Subject Tutoring: In the subject tutoring program, students receive in-depth tutoring in a specific subject. Your child will receive a diagnostic test to determine their unique strengths and needs. Using these results, we identify your child’s academic goals and develop a strategic learning plan to help them develop and grow.
Summer School Support: many students take summer school classes to either bridge to advanced classes or for credit recovery. In this program, students are paired with a tutor who will oversee their summer classes – supporting them to complete assignments, explain challenging topics and help them study for tests to ensure they do their absolute best in their summer studies.
What are Socratic Excursions?
Get Out & learn!
One of the major highlights of our summer programs are our Socratic Honors Excursions where students explore art and cultural locations throughout LA and learn to understand and appreciate great works of art, cinema, and theater.
Last summer, students explored art at The Getty Villa and through The Van Gogh Experience, they explored the history of film at Tarantino’s New Beverly Cinema, and enjoyed a family Shakespeare night watching Romeo and Juliet performed by Shakespeare by the Sea.
This summer we’re planning brand new excursions for our students (and parents who want to join!) to enjoy LA museums, watch great plays and cinema, and to gaze at the stars at the Griffith Observatory.
We hope you’ll join us.
Summer Schedules
Private Tutoring Schedule
Private Tutoring
Program Dates: June 19th – August 11th
Students may enroll for all or part of the program dates
Program Location: Online or In-Person at the Cerritos Library
Students may enroll Mon – Sun between the hours of 9a – 7p (pending availability)
Families indicate desired schedules upon enrollment and we match students with tutors whose schedules and subject expertise matches their needs!
Socratic Honors Schedule
Socratic Honors Academy
Program Dates: July 3 – August 10
Program Location: Hybrid, classes are online while excursions are in-person throughout the LA area
Intro to Socratic Honors
new students
T/Th: 10a-12p
Socratic Honors: Middle School
returning students
T/Th: 1p-3p
Socratic Honors: High School
returning students
W: 10a-12p
Foundations of Algebra & Geometry Schedule
Foundations of Algebra & Geometry
Program Dates: July 3 – August 10
Program Location: Online
Level A
starting middle school math
M/W: 10a-12p
Level B
late middle/ freshman year math
M/W: 1p-3p
Level C:
sophomore/junior year math
T/Th: 10a-12p
Summer Pricing
Pay in-full by June 19th to receive 10% off your summer tuition!
Contact us with questions about scheduling multiple programs or prorating for vacations (private tutoring only).

Private Tutoring
Semi-Private Tutoring*

Socratic Honors Academy
Class Fee: $435
Pay In Full by June 19th to receive 10% off above rates

Foundations of Algebra & Geometry
Class Fee: $525
Pay In Full by June 19th to receive 10% off above rates
Ready to Enroll?
Our enrollment process is easy!
Just fill out the Google Form linked below. Once we get the form from you, we’ll send over a follow-up email to get payments and schedules set up.
Have any questions? Just reach out using our contact info below.